Celebrate Your Birthday with Little Acts of Kindness: Free Download to Help!

SharePinEmailInside: For my 39th birthday, I celebrated with my children by performing 39 little acts of kindness. I wished on my 40th birthday I would have done the same, here’s why you should too. Plus a free download of 80 ideas to do with your kids. Little Acts of Kindness on My Birthday For my…

Inside: For my 39th birthday, I celebrated with my children by performing 39 little acts of kindness. I wished on my 40th birthday I would have done the same, here’s why you should too. Plus a free download of 80 ideas to do with your kids.

Little Acts of Kindness on My Birthday

For my 39th birthday, my children and I performed 39 simple acts of kindness. It was a whirlwind of a day. My kids and I had a blast. We were so incredibly busy and energized.

Then I turned 40. I spent the day with the kids. But we just laid around the house. I was self-absorbed, throwing a pity party. Couldn’t believe I was 40.

We’ve all heard it before: our children are going to do what we do. I didn’t appear to care about my birthday so they played along. The year before I got them so pumped about my 39 little acts of kindness, it was contagious. They were excited as well.

After some time has gone by, I see now 41 will have to be different.

Giving to others

6 reasons to celebrate your birthday with acts of kindness

You’Re Blessed

If you are reading this blog post, then that means you have the leisure time to read and an internet connection most likely on your phone. Basically, you are blessed more than much of the world. We are spoiled enough on our birthdays.

Too Much Stuff

Have you often thought your child has enough “stuff”? You would like him to have a birthday party where he donates all of his gifts? The fact is, our children learn from us modeling our behavior.

Lose Yourself

Gandhi famously said, “the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”


If you are having an especially difficult milestone birthday this can take the focus off you. I learned this the hard way as I shared with my 40th When I came home on my 39th birthday, there were presents waiting for me. It was actually the last thing on my mind – we were so tired from our day! What a stark contrast from my 40th birthday where I was literally counting who remembered my birthday and who did not.


If it’s still all about you…. which I totally get, it is your birthday after all…. then consider the benefits of kindness.

There are many studies now citing the health benefits of kindness from lowing your blood pressure, increased serotonin, to decreasing depression.

The benefits of performing little acts of kindness to our children are amazing. From increased self-confidence to happiness.


It’s contagious! Perhaps while you’re out and about performing your simple acts of kindness someone else will pay it forward as well. If nothing else you can rest assured your children are watching you.

Little Acts Of Kindness

A Birthday to Remember

Until you’ve taken a day and spent it fully on someone else, you may not understand.

An unexpected kindness to someone who cannot pay you back is most rewarding to you.

Of course, I perform simple acts of kindness throughout the year. But a full day of little acts of kindness sets my year straight. It celebrates my birthday how I want to be remembered – caring for others.

Ideas for Your Own Birthday Celebration of Kindness

Download 80 kindness ideas you can do with your children below.

Celebrate your next birthday with those you love the most giving love to others!

acts of kindness ideas
Celebrate Your Birthday with Little Acts of Kindness: Free Download to Help!