A Discussion about Social Justice Issues with a police chaplain

SharePinEmailA police chaplain gives insight into how we can make sure the current racial issues in America are a movement towards a better tomorrow instead of just a “moment” in time. She talks about investing in our youth and the importance of getting our kids back to school. Below is an overview of the conversation…

A police chaplain gives insight into how we can make sure the current racial issues in America are a movement towards a better tomorrow instead of just a “moment” in time. She talks about investing in our youth and the importance of getting our kids back to school.

Below is an overview of the conversation with Pastor Pitts about social justice issues. To hear the entire conversation, listen to Podcast #39 of Grace for Single Parents wherever you listen to podcasts.

Social Justice Issues Conversation Overview

Responsibility of Police Chaplain

  • Being the police chaplain, I am there for the police officers, not for those that are incarcerated. In my police chaplaincy training, we were taught what is called the ministry of presence, which is basically just making yourself available.
  • With the police department, I am a lead chaplain for one of the high schools in the town where I’m there for the students. If they don’t feel comfortable talking to the guidance counselor, I’m available to talk to the students within the high school. Sometimes it’s just not the child, the whole family may need services.

Protesting for racial justice

  • The Blue Wall: There are many laws protecting the officers. That’s a big problem where people they’re not getting the justice that they want or feel as though that they deserve.
  • The other thing that was addressed at this protest is the question was this a movement or a moment? If we want change to happen in America, we have to be consistent in what we’re doing.

Related: 3 Things Christians Can Do About Racial Injustice

What can White People Do to continue the movement for racial justice?

  1. Speak Up: you have to stand up for what you believe in
  2. Use Your Voice: power and unity
  3. Get Involved with the Community: diversity in marches is important
  4. Be Bold: move from just talking to taking action
  5. Teach Your Children: how to channel their anger to get the right results

Community and Empathy

  • If one race’s rights are infringed upon everybody’s rights are going to be infringed upon.
  • Stand for what’s just and practice empathy, put yourself in someone else’s shoes, if that was you.
  • A lot of people base love on the condition of what people can do for us. You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. That’s not real love. Real love is unconditional. Whether you love me or not, I’m still going to love you.
  • There’s nothing that you can do to make God stop loving you. And we have to go back to real love, true love. And that’s what the world needs now.

If one part of our body hurts, we hurt all over. If one part of our body is honored, the whole body will be happy.

1 Corinthians 12:26

This was an overview of the conversation about social justice issues. To hear the entire conversation, listen to Podcast #39 of Grace for Single Parents wherever you listen to podcasts.

A Discussion about Social Justice Issues with a police chaplain